Le Grand Fromage, the Big Kahuna, Elexihente…….who are these people?
They are the people we want to meet and greet.
They are where the buck stops.
Anthony Parinello wrote in his bestselling book “Selling to VITO”, we want to get in front of the Very Important Top Officer, VITO!
VITO is the CEO, President, Partner…..C Suite folks. Frankly, for you Business to Consumer folks……VITO is the one hiring you for their Acupuncture or whatever.
VITO is known for her Leadership, Credibility, Passion, Vision and Understanding of the Big Picture.
VITO has a strong ego, can be decisive and can be open to new ideas.
To do business with VITO you must bring value added and demonstrate that fast.
Here are some tips for hunting this valuable asset to your company.
VITO’s agenda and favorite business topics are:
- Leading edge success for their company and VITO
- The company’s image and aura
- Their team and their product
- Keeping ahead of their competition
- Seeing measurable, tangible results.
So, show VITO how to:
- Raise revenues
- Increase efficiency
- Attract new customers
- Increase market share
- Lower expenses, to name a few.
Intangibles also catch attention:
- Less risk or worry
- Greater peace of mind
- Having a good personal or company image
- Retaining good and happy employees.
Finally, don’t come off as a salesperson.
Instead, be seen as a businessperson, someone who can help them reach their goals