
Make More Money By Asking If There Is Gold In Your Referral Mine

Elevate is a networking community organized to help our members make more money through structured collaboration and referrals.

Last week at Elevator Accelerator, some people were wondering if there really are enough referrals for them in Elevate because it seems like some people are easier to refer while others seem like they are a little harder to refer.

So consider that getting referrals is like mining gold.

Some parts of the mine have gold in the sand that’s easier to get, and some parts of the mine have gold trapped in hard rocks that might require heavy drilling to capture.

So the first question, we have to ask: Is there gold in the networking mine for us?

To answer this question, we need to step back and look at the networking universe that we live in.

Next, we have to ask an additional question: Am I currently selling to people that need my services outside of Elevate?

If the answer is no, we should change professions.

If the answer is yes, then consider this…

We have 85 members.

Each of those 85 members are directly connected to about 5,000 people if we count their friends, families, clients, facebook followers, linkedin contacts, etc.

That means everyone in the chapter can get a direct introduction to about 500,000 people that are one level removed from our members.

Of those 500,000 people, there are dozens of people that need our services today.

And that proves that our networking universe is large and that there is gold in our mine.

And now that we know there’s gold in our mine, if we employ the right networking tactics for my type of business, I guarantee that we will be able to dig out that referral gold and make more money.

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