
Testimonials and Advocacy

Anybody could stand up in a courtroom and say, “I didn’t do it. I’m not guilty.”

And anybody who’d want to become a professional actor, musician, or sports figure, could say, “I’m talented. I should be cast in the role, or given the gig, or drafted onto the team.”

But that’s not how it works in our world.

If you’re heading into court, you’re going to be accompanied by an attorney. And if you’re looking for a role, a show, a gig, or a spot, then you’re going to be backed by an agent.

In this society, we utilize advocates. People who take what would be a claim in the first person – “I am,” or “I can,” and change it into the third person – “they are,” or “they can.”

And there’s a great reason for this.

Even though everybody knows that both the attorney and the agent are being paid – being incentivized by that financial compensation to speak well of their clients – it creates a new level of value that transcends speaking about oneself.

Making claims on our own behalf are too biased. Of course we would deny something negative or claim something positive. And in addition, if we sound too positive about ourselves, we might come off as overconfident or even arrogant.

But if someone comments for us, it carries much more weight.

How perfect it is then, that one of the key components of Elevate is the opportunity for advocacy in the form of testimonials. When one of us stands up and speaks highly of another member – not the referrals they’ve given us and how they think we are great – but actually shines a light on them and their abilities and positive attributes, it makes a real difference.

It creates validation, and is one of the strongest catalysts for building trust. And trust leads to more people engaging with that person.

Of course, not only can we serve as advocates in the room, but also out in the world. Whenever you are making a connection between two people – unless it’s not authentic because you don’t know one or both of them directly – consider the opportunity to share something positive about each of them with the other.

By serving as an advocate for both parties, it primes the relationship for connection and bonding. It’s like a turbo charge for getting the new relationship off to a positive start.

And while business likely won’t take place unless they’re actually a fit, it will certainly maximize the chances. And have each approach the other more openly and with a positive attitude.

Give testimonials. Be an advocate.

For each other, and for Elevate as a whole.

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