
Make More Money With a Good 121 Agenda

NYC Elevate is a networking community organized to help our members make more money through structured collaboration and referrals.

At our most recent PHD sessions, we spent over 20 minutes discussing how to be more effective on our 121s.

First, we need to understand why 121s are important.

The goal at Elevate is to get to know, like and trust our fellow members, and then to teach them how to recognize opportunities for us.

Then, and only then, can referrals happen.

So here’s my agenda for the first 121 with my sample answers:

What do I do?
I build websites.

Why should you trust me? What are my credentials?
I’ve been building websites for 20 years and I’m top rated on google reviews.

What type of clients hire me?
Service businesses, nonprofits, startups, ecommerce, pharma, educational

What are the event triggers when someone should think of me?
Someone’s starting a business; or needs a new website; or has website bugs.

Is price point or budget important for giving me a referral?
It used to be that clients had $10,000 or more to spend before you could refer me, but for the past few years, I’ll take a $50 or $50,000 referral. If someone needs help with a website, no matter how small or large, I’ll be able to help them.

What job titles does the person who hires me have?
Owner, Manager, CMO, Director of Marketing

What do clients say that should make you think of me?

  • I’m starting a business.
  • I need a new website.
  • I can’t get in touch with my web developer.

After I go, you’ll cover the same topics.

Remember, this is just an outline. In reality, this will be a much longer conversation.

Next week, I’ll cover the agenda for our second, third and fourth 121s.

Wrapping it up, like everything at Elevate, we have good structure and tools that lead to our success, so if you follow my 121 agenda, people will get to know like and trust you, and then I guarantee that you’ll make more money!

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