This week’s Member Success Tip is on how the website calculates our baseline metric of engagement.
The first thing to understand is what are the activities that contribute towards that measurement of engagement.
These activities include passing a referral; having a 121; or bringing a guest.
The total of those activities is then divided by the number of meetings in the past year if you are a long term member, or the number of meetings since you joined if you have been a member less than a year.
Usually, the annual meeting total is 46 or 47 meetings.
So if I give one referral, have one 121, and bring one guest each week, my baseline engagement average would be 3 point 0.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the baseline is a weekly rolling average.
That means the stuff you did one year ago this week, will drop off once next week rolls around.
So if you did 10 things in the week of January 20, 2015, when January 27, 2016 arrives, you lose those 10 activities from your average, while the things you did in the last week will be added to your average.
As a rule of thumb, the safest thing to do is make sure you invite two of your fellow members for a cup of coffee or for lunch once per week and you’ll get credit for two things, each and every week, and no matter what, you will always be above baseline regardless of how many things drop off in a given week.
As a reminder, you always have access to your live stats on the website when you login, and those stats are updated on an ongoing, real time basis.
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to reach out to me. I’m happy to help.