I was driving on my way home and thinking about what I might discuss today.
After about thirty seconds of not too much bubbling up, the word “network” entered my mind. Ok, no big deal, nothing special. Networking. That’s what we do, got it.
But then I noticed something. The word itself — “network” — is a compound word, made up of two smaller words — net and work. When taken together they make either a noun — “I’d like to introduce you to my network,” or a verb, “I enjoy having the chance to network.”
But when broken apart you get both a noun, “net,” and a verb, “work.”
“Ok Corey, we get it you like words. But what’s the point?”
Ok stay with me for a second. In soccer and other sports they talk about “footwork.” It’s how you move or what you do with your feet. And to excel at a sport such as soccer, you need to really put in the effort and work at it — to pay attention to what you’re doing with your feet.
So today let’s take a look at what you are doing with your NET!
Look around. If you are in this meeting right now, you are a part of this net. Whether you’re a member of Elevate and are really woven into the fabric each week, or you’re a sub or guest today. Even if this is your very first NYC meeting, you are an important piece of what’s creating this net.
A butterfly net is used to catch butterflies. This net is used to catch business.
So how’s your “net-work?”
Are you catching anything? If so, are you catching what you’re after? Are the knots and connections strong? How big or small are the spaces in your net? Are you just swinging it around hoping to catch something? Or are you being intentional and actually going after something?
I’ve been to Conrad’s Network Ninja PhDs… One of the many things he mentions is that if we’re not looking at the guest list Amy sends out each week we’re doing ourselves a disservice. There is so much information available to us.
While we’re at it, how’s it going with the “work” part? Are you clear about what you want to catch? What are you doing regularly and consistently with this “net” to ensure you catch it? Are you planning your 30 sec commercial and making sure to maximize the focus and attention you get each week?
And not just telling us who *you* want to meet, but why they should want to meet YOU?
We can all get better at our “Net-work.”
Listen today to Conrad’s Make More Money Moment and if it resonates with you figure out how you can leverage it.
You can even connect with someone you meet in the meeting today — or someone with whom you already do business — and practice together. Look through that lens and compare notes.
I don’t need to tell you that this is quite a NET we have all found, and WORK to continue to cultivate.
Here’s to the hunt, to leveraging each other so we can work both hard and smart, to catching great things, and to creating all kinds of business together.