
Make More Money Having 121 With Synergistic Partners In Other Chapters

NYC Elevate is a networking community organized to help our members make more money through structured collaboration and referrals.

Recently, we discussed that the most important thing we do in business is not the service we provide, but securing that next client.

We also discussed that using Elevate and NYC is the least expensive way that we can get a new client.

And if that’s the case, we need to ask ourselves how we can get more clients and more value out of Elevate?

Last week, we found out that one of the easiest things you can do to get more value out of your Elevate and NYC membership is to attend a different NYC meeting every Tuesday and another one every Thursday, while attending Elevate every Wednesday.

Another thing you can do to get more value out of NYC is to scroll through all of the other chapter rosters at Manhattan NYC and NYC Global Connect while looking for synergistic professions who can refer you.

For example, Sharon Becker, our makeup maven, likes to be on the preferred partner list for many Wedding Planners.

So instead of attending random Chapters and hoping to meet someone getting married, Sharon might go through other chapter rosters and cherry pick the 10 Wedding planners that exist in other chapters and invite them to have a 121 instead of going to their meeting.

Bottom line: If you use NYC Global Connect to have a lot of laser focused 121s and build relationships with strategic partners, I guarantee that you will make more money!

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