How do you keep the spark alive?

How do you keep the spark alive? Whether it’s in our business, our marriages, or just relationships in general – I’m sure there’s always a voice in your head badgering you to keep the spark alive. I personally refer to that voice as my wifes.

In all seriousness, I’ve always thought of that voice as my inner entrepreneur. The first time I listened to my inner voice, it lead me to starting my own business. Getting a business off the ground isn’t an easy feat, but it’s a journey everyone in this room has decided to take which is what brings us together every Wednesday morning. Like many things, new adventures excite us and it’s very easy to use that excitement as fuel to push us through the first phase of our businesses. But how do we keep the spark alive during year 2, 3, 4 and beyond?

For me it’s about feeling positive all the time and I’ve always found that the best way keep an optimistic outlook all day is to start my mornings early. On the mornings I’m not waking up for NYC, I start my day with an early 3 mile run. Now, you may hate running, but running isn’t what’s important here: it’s about creating a morning routine that encourages you to get up early and set your intentions for the day before your phone starts ringing and your emails are flooding in.

Even more important than your morning ritual, is to understand what motivates you. When you understand what truly motivates you it’s much easier to recognize the things that spark your entrepreneurship. I personally love the chase of the deal. Because I’ve identified that, I know how important it is to feed off the energy I get when I’m pushing to close a deal to invigorate the other aspects of my business.

We all have our Wednesday morning routine, but now I challenge you to identify a morning ritual that gets you ready to take on every other day of your week with a positive outlook. I also challenge you to think about what really motivates you in your business. The real secret to success is motivation – what sparks yours?

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