Who has heard of CRS?
It is similar to “Halfheimer’s” Disease and it stands for “Can’t Remember Sh-t”.
Memory is so important to your business, your career, your marketing and your life.
Harvey Mackay tells us that many people say they have a poor memory but it might be an untrained memory.
20% of people remember by hearing………so say things out loud.
40% remember by seeing and the other 40% by doing…….so write things down to reinforce the retention.
Brain clutter and interruptions can detour the best intentions to remember.
Harvey asks if you’ve ever had a great idea that you forgot right away? Most of us have and it gets worse as you get older.
What was I saying? KIDDING, but true.
The good news is that you can improve your memory by working it out like a muscle.
Do puzzles, learn new and challenging things…..Just Do It.
Harvey gives us other tips:
- Get plenty of rest which helps clear and creative thinking.
- Exercise to keep the blood flowing to your brain.
- Socialize to keep up stimulation and laughter.
- Reduce stress and manage your reaction to aggravation.
- Eat right such as Omega-3 fatty acids, fruits and vegetables.
- Organize your thoughts to enable clearer understanding and retention.
- Spend extra time with difficult material to absorb it fully.
- Keep your brain active with crosswords, Sudoku or puzzles…..not TV.
- Minimize distractions to enable concentration and focus.
These tips will help you stay smart and sharp.