Harvey Mackay knows something about Pushing Envelopes…..he made millions of dollars selling them for his own company.
Well, Harvey explains the derivation of the term….it came from the early Astronaut Test Pilots who would push the limits of their aircraft, hence, pushing the envelope.
This term has become synonymous with “pushing the boundaries and yourself to be better, faster and smarter and to get the results you want, in business and in life.”
Mr. Mackay goes on to say “going above what your client’s expect, trying new things and taking risks that put you outside your comfort zone” are pushing your envelope.
Truly successful people see opportunities, take educated risks, make mistakes, get knocked down, get up, get up, get up…..
Successful people owe part of their success to willingness to accept change as inevitable and welcome the challenge.
It takes determination to Push the Envelope and that takes stamina and courage to pursue your ambitions despite criticism, ridicule, or unfavorable circumstances. In fact, Harvey says that discouragement usually spurs good people to greater things because when they get discouraged they recognize that in order to change results, some change is in order…..either a change in themselves or a change in something about their businesses.
Change requires Pushing the Envelope.
Who knows, maybe you’ll derive spectacular results.