Visitors. Visitors. Visitors. Say it a thousand times and you can’t say it enough. How do we invite visitors? Often. Who do we invite? Everyone. Why do we invite visitors? Because we benefit by meeting new people and our visitors benefit, too. Everyone who attends our meeting, whether they are a member or visitor, has the opportunity to become more well known, make new connections, and get more business. That’s right, everyone does! Hey visitors, even YOU can invite a visitor!
So, who to invite? I have 3 suggestions:
- Customer PROSPECTS. By inviting Prospects, we become a Resource instead of a vendor! A “vendor” is replaceable – based on pricing and perceived service gaps. A RESOURCE is not so easily replaceable.
- Existing Power-Partners. Think about your partners who send you leads. Now– invite them to our meeting! It will be a good chance to reconnect in-person AND an opportunity to Give BACK to THEM. Wouldn’t it be great if they left with leads for their business? Win-Win!
- Existing Customers. When you bring an existing customer, they get to see you outside your regular work parameters. They get to hear your networking friends sing your praises, (only if you deserve them of course), and our members get to hear “real-life” testimonials from your actual customers. Customer visitors may score good business connections here, too.
The bottom line? We attract some of the best business people in New York City and by inviting guests, you get to expose them to new people and new avenues to grow their business. So don’t think about it like your asking someone to wake up too early, instead think about how you’re helping others by inviting them into the winner’s circle.
At 62, the more the merrier – everyone who enters this room benefits. Plus, this morning is a motivational jolt to humpday, Isn’t it?
So invite, invite, invite. Did I mention, invite?!