
Your Personal Brand: Perception Is Everything

When I was first starting out in PR 11 years ago, a boss once said to me “perception is everything” and to this day it has always stuck with me. For one thing, our own perceptions change over time. What once may have seemed like a big deal at the beginning of your career can feel like an every day occurrence as you gain more success and confidence. But really today I’m here to talk about how others may be perceiving YOU.

In PR, the goal is to get brands visibility through press placements. But to get there, there needs to be clarity on WHAT the brand is, WHO they are speaking to and HOW they want to be perceived. The messaging and brand-voice are fleshed out, and then go out to the press with the news, in the hopes that it stands out among an oversaturated industry and that editors will want to share the message with their readers. If done well, the writers get the message right, the readers buy the products and the brands become household names.

Here at Elevate, we are each our very own Capital B “Brand”. So, I want everyone to start thinking about this – WHAT is your brand, WHO are you speaking to and HOW do you want to be perceived? Are you putting your best foot forward in every meeting? Are you giving a clear commercial that emphasizes what you do in a way that is digestible to members and guests who don’t know as much as you do about your field? Are you putting yourself together in the morning and sitting in front a professional background that is worthy of you and your brand? At the end of the day, it’s not always enough to know yourself and what you do, you have to make sure that others are PERCEIVING you in a way that is going to get you referrals and move the needle for your business.

Why not take 5 minutes today to identify your personal brand. Using Sharon Becker as an example, Sharon is a makeup artist and so she makes sure to come to each meeting looking presentable and polished. Jeanie is a professional organizer, her background always emphasizes her style and her expertise. What is one small thing you could do that might help people to better perceive you and your business?

And don’t forget, if you work hard and are kind, AMAZING things will happen.

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