Even with some lifting of restrictions, we can count on being heavily “virtual” for several months to come. We know this landscape, we have been living it. What are the opportunities here?
First, consider marketing opportunities. We all meet on the internet, and more than ever people turn to the internet for information and entertainment. YouTube use has gone up 16%, Facebook 27% says the NYT. Internet marketing requires absolute clarity in messaging to pay off
Are you taking advantage of this trend or still hoping to wait this out?
wen it’s appropriate, expand your use of social media, pay per click, and advertising on LI and FB. The clearer you are on who u r selling too and what you are selling the better. Make no mistake, This will shape the success or failure of your business in the coming years. If you are unsure, schedule a 1-2-1 w Anatoli, Eric, or Helen.
Once you’re clear on the who and the what, having the right call to action and close is what will make the machine work. Where and how you will close makes all the difference. If your not sure how to approach this schedule a 1-2-1 with Rola.
Lastly, Consider how you deliver your product. What competitive edge can you offer in the near future based on lessons we are learning now? I heard some nightmare stories about virtual real estate closings for example. How can you innovate the virtual process so that it goes more smoothly and is a better experience for your clients? The tools you’re using now are the tools for your future!
Many members of our group are working at developing their virtual services, how can we come together and help one another to expand and develop our virtual repertoire? Any advancement we make now is going to be the foundation for our intensely successful businesses for years to come.