A lot has happened since we met last week. So today’s Education Moment is going to start with a different tone. And before I say another word, a reminder that here inside Elevate, we don’t get political. But the truth is, we are human beings. And we are *all* leaders. And so to step over it, and pretend that things in the world are all status quo, would not honor who we are. It would not be worthy of us.
And as far as our main purpose of conducting business, given that every single one of our clients, customers, and colleagues are also of this world, it wouldn’t set us up properly there either.
So my intention is to acknowledge certain aspects without getting into details or being political, to tie it all in to some concepts that will serve us, and to then invite us to move on to an impactful meeting while maintaining that same decorum.
As I said, we are all human beings. And no matter where we are in the world, we are doing our best to live this life. We have thoughts, opinions, feelings, desire for joy and comfort, and an aversion to fear and pain.
As we move through our lives and businesses, let’s remember that our clients and customers are likely having an experience as well. We may not always perfectly agree with them. But it is in everyone’s best interest — and the interest of business — to offer whatever grace we can muster. Everyone is fighting a battle that we may know nothing about. And hurt people can sometimes hurt people. The stronger the opinion, the more it may compensate for — and be an indicator of, hurt. So let’s attempt to practice patience, compassion, and love, in whatever form seems most appropriate in the moment.
I look out at all of your faces and feel tremendous gratitude for our community. Time and time again, we practice “givers gain,” and through service and responsiveness, generosity and kindness, we demonstrate how much we care. We show up for referrals and dollars and cents, but then we find ourselves being slowly woven into a family.
Take pride in what we continue to create here, as individuals and as a collective. And keep leveraging this potential to make a difference out there.
And so whether it’s supporting a constructive cause like Amy’s event for Lend a Hand Uganda on the 26th of this month, or participating in standing up to something in the world that you believe is more destructive, continue to bring your leadership. Use your voices. Commit your resources. Bring the brilliance of your intellect, and the tremendously powerful healing of your heart.
We need to be informed — about our communities, about our businesses, about the various needs of our clients and customers, and how we can support and serve them. And about our world. Keep your eyes and ears and minds open. Keep learning about how we can grow. And about how we can make a difference.
And I’ll close by sharing some words that are not my own. And then afterwards, let’s use our commercials to remind this community who we are and what we do… so we can all step up and serve.
From Khalil Gibran…
“It is said that before entering the sea, a river trembles with fear. She looks back at the path she has traveled, from the peaks of the mountains, the long winding road crossing forests and villages. And in front of her, she sees an ocean so vast, that to enter there seems nothing more than to disappear forever. But there is no other way. The river can not go back. Nobody can go back. To go back is impossible in existence. The river needs to take the risk of entering the ocean, because only then will fear disappear, because that’s where the river will know — it’s not about disappearing into the ocean, but of becoming the ocean.”