

If you are on this Zoom call today, there is something I know about you — you’ve got talent. If you’re a member, you were chosen for your seat. And since there was only one, it wasn’t handed over without scrutiny. You made it here, and you’ve been here.

If you’re a guest, it’s true for you too. Not just anyone gets up this early in the morning to present themselves to a live group of over eighty entrepreneurs and business owners, with the intention of growing their business.

So, talent? For sure.

But don’t get too comfortable. Because a couple years ago, a High School basketball coach named Tim Notke was quoted as saying, “Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.”

So today, we’re not coasting. We’re talking about one of the marks of a champion — consistency.

Change takes time. And it’s never convenient. That I want to say again. Change is never convenient. And that’s because it always has a cost. So the key to making it happen is to get clear about, and connected to, the other side — it’s value. Then you just have to make the choice to make the change. And lastly, you need to work at it every day. You need to live it.

I’ve already said quite a few words. So I’m going to pause in about thirty seconds from now. And when I do, all of us are going to take some simple action… if you’re willing, and open to actually create a result today.

If you’re a member — since we know almost everyone — look for the faces of at least two people with whom you’ve been meaning to set up a 121. Write their names down and commit to reaching out to them by end of day today. Just an email or text will do. Oh and not your two besties who you connect with on the regular. Two people you’ve been meaning to reach out to but — for whatever reason — it’s just been a bit out of the way. It can be to discuss business of course, or just because you find them interesting or there’s something you appreciate or admire about them.

And if you’re a guest, you get a pass til the end of the meeting because there are so many people you’ve yet to hear from. But if you’ve already met someone in an early breakout room, or know someone by their name or title, find them. Otherwise, pay attention as the meeting progresses, and write down your “at least two.”

Ready? Go…

Got em? Good.

The other thing to make a note of — and this is for all of us — is to answer this question… “What’s the one thing I know I could do to build my business, but have been scared, uncomfortable or just reluctant to do?”

To be clear, you don’t have to do anything with it yet — just write it down.

Then, if you’re willing, commit to move it forward, to some degree, in an achievable way… between now and next Wed. Maybe it will get complete, and maybe it will take longer than a week to complete. Doesn’t matter… just move it forward.

As we all know, building a business is not like turning an agile jet ski. It’s more like turning a massive cruise ship. Make that turn a few degrees every day, and before you know it you’ll be looking out at a new horizon.

Here’s to consistent action, and to consistent reminders about taking consistent action.

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