
Make More Money With Grand Slam Referrals

NYC Elevate is a million dollar a month networking community organized to help our members make more money through structured collaboration and referrals.

This week I want to talk about using Elevate to not only hit home runs, but to hit grand slams.

Most of us here at Elevate are happy to hit a bunch of singles and score a few runs with small ball.

An example of this is every week I talk about the award winning websites we build and a few times per year you refer me to businesses that need websites.

Those referrals are a bunch of singles that win quite a few baseball games and help us make good money.

But what if I were to tell you that you could also easily hit a grand slam every once in a while.

In my case, on a recent 121, I asked for an introduction to an organization that has 200 independent reps that happen to know when their clients need new websites.

And I got that introduction and I’m currently being vetted as their preferred and only website provider.

Imagine if I were to get only one website project per year from each of those reps…that would triple my business!

Elevators, you’re in the ballpark, and it’s opening day at Elevate, so what’s that one introduction that could result in multiple projects month after month for you?

What’s that grand slam introduction that will double your business?

Ask for it, and I guarantee that you’ll make more money.

(And if you didn’t notice, I actually wrote for the ‘cycle’ above!)

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