
Make More Money With Elevate and Linkedin

NYC Elevate is a million dollar a month networking community organized to help our members make more money through structured collaboration and referrals.

This week I want to talk about using Elevate to meet people at a specific company while doing your own heavy lifting.

Option One is that I can use my weekly email to the group asking if they know anyone that works at Tyrell Corporation.

But many people in Elevate might not remember they are connected to someone there, so this is a hit or miss approach.

A better approach would be for me to go to Linkedin and search for Tyrell Corporation and look through their people for first or second level connections.

For first level connections that I forgot I had, I can reach out directly to them.

For second level connections, I can see which of my contacts are directly connected with a person at Tyrell.

In this case, I can see that Amy Noelle is connected directly to Eldon Tyrell.

And that means I can email Amy and ask her to introduce me to Eldon because we build award winning websites for replicants, and replicants with good websites are happy replicants.

If you use this laser focused approach while doing your own heavy lifting, you can leverage both Linkedin and Elevate to get introductions to the right people, and I guarantee that you will make more money.

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