NYC Elevate is a million dollar a month, networking community organized to help our members make more money through structured collaboration and referrals.
Essentially, Elevate is all about relationship marketing.
That means your fellow members need to get to know you, like you and trust you, and only after that occurs will you get referrals.
And the best method we have for building relationships at Elevate are 121s.
Last time we discussed the etiquette of who should be asking for the 121, and the simple answer was … you.
The next question is who should you be having a 121 with?
If you’re a newer member, I would prioritize having 121 with all of the members of your primary power team because they speak to the same target client as you, and quite often they’ll need to pull you in to complete a deal.
And while you’ll have a lot of 121s with people on your power team, don’t ignore the rest of the membership.
The rationale for this is you don’t know who your fellow member knows.
For example, their sister might be the CEO of the company that is your perfect prospect.
In fact, we encourage members to have at least one 121 with every other member in the chapter once per year, and then do it all again, year after year for the next decade.
And now that we know that building relationships is critical to our success at Elevate, if you have a lot of 121s, I guarantee that you’ll make more money.