NYC 62: 5.14.14 Education – Are YOU a Customer Magnet?

Are YOU a Customer Magnet? What Are You Doing to Attract Customers?

Think about your value. When and how do you offer value? Do you give it consistently?

If you give value often, concerns about price may disappear. Customers will gravitate to you. They will become loyal.

The bottom line? Your sales increase.

So how does this work?

1. Give Value Upfront

A prospect, not a client, a prospect, mentioned that she wanted to read more books on sales. Without hesitation, I whipped out the book I was reading, wrote a friendly note, and gave it to her.

Giving value early on jumpstarts your sales cycle. Just remember: This is not quid pro quo. Don’t ever expect something back. Give freely, give often, and watch your significance skyrocket.

2. Discover What Makes Your Customers Tick and Give Value Consistently.

People buy from those that they know, like, and trust. Invest in a relationship with your client. Invest in relationships with your referral partners.

What’s Conrad’s favorite thing, besides his wife, Jina? TENNIS! Conrad, I have a gift for you. Here’s a subscription to Tennis Magazine.

Guess what?! When that magazine arrives, Conrad will think of ME. That’s right. ME.

And, Jen just got back from Paris. Did she remember her Grey Poupon? On Memorial Day, when she eats a hot dog lathered in Grey Poupon, who is she going to think of? ME!

What are YOU doing to be top of mind with YOUR clients?

Find little ways to show that you care—forward an article that relates to their industry, snap a photo of something they’d like, send research that will help their business grow or profit.

When you offer value, prospects become magnetic. They keep coming back for more.

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