As a coach, I love asking people to look “outside the box.” I don’t typically use that actual phrasing because it’s over played. But coming up with the idea that’s new, or different, or outside their comfort zone, holds a lot of possibility because it’s beyond what they already know. So it’s often the place to look.
But not today.
Coming from our automatic, our default — the thing we do without thinking — can be limiting if we do that all the time and everywhere. But it also has its place. Because it holds a lot of power!
So today let’s look it square in the face and leverage it to our benefit. After all, it’s what got us here, to this time and place. And whether that’s being an ongoing member of this chapter, or being a visitor here in this Zoom room for the very first time, that certainly ain’t so bad. Not by a long shot.
So what’s that thing you’re reliable for? That thing you’re so dependable for that you can do it with your eyes closed? The thing you may have even built your reputation on? Is it being organized — able to build a spreadsheet to lay out almost anything? Is it the ability to make a solid first impression? I know we’ve got some charmers in here. Maybe it’s that you always hit your numbers, or put people at ease, or make them laugh, or close the deal, or simply get people’s attention.
Whatever it is, I invite you to write down the following sentence. “If there’s one thing I can do when it comes to my business, it’s _________.”
Today, I want you to embrace that thing you just wrote down. But, I want you to take it to the next level… and really leverage it.
Daniel Weber, I know from first hand experience how truly dependable you are. That you are literally “the printer we can count on.” But does everyone know that? Consider how you can play that card even more so… in the world, and right here within Elevate. Maybe you can give us additional examples of your dependability in your commercials and your marketing.
Amy, for you, perhaps it’s versatility. You can twirl a baton, bake a cake, fundraise, and do complex algebra. Ok, I made the last one up but it’s probably true. So how can you leverage your incredibly diverse range of skills even more effectively? Maybe it’s creating humor in what you’d “be willing to do to feed a hungry child,” in service of eradicating poverty on the planet?”
The best part about this aspect of each of us, is that it’s obvious! We likely know exactly what it is.
And if for some reason you find yourself a bit uncertain, you can always ask for feedback in your next meeting or 121.
So yes, spend some time outside your comfort zone. Of course. But also leverage the stuff you can rock better than anyone.
It’s a part of you… and a part of us. A powerful part. It can impact our relationships, and it can drive business.
And let’s face it, it works!