

Independence Day. A bit different this year. Whether you were home alone or with those you live and quarantine with, or gathered in a somewhat small group, I imagine that though it may have approached normal, it likely wasn’t quite the same as it has been in years’ past.

And celebrating the holiday, in this brave new world, had me reflect on the concept of independence.

The COVID pandemic has been somewhat divisive. Both politically – because unfortunately there’s a difference of opinion around things like wearing a mask. And physically, because we’re all needing to distance ourselves from one another. As humans, we’re pack animals. Beyond food, water, and shelter, there’s a need for connection – a level of dependence. And this time has challenged that for so many. It’s forced us to become more independent in certain ways.

With regards to our businesses, and networking here at Elevate, dependence and independence play an important role as well. We are clearly dependent on each other – for referrals, testimonials, information, and other forms of support. We trust this group to be responsive, and to show up for each other – as well as for each other’s people, to be an extension of this network. By it’s very nature, a network works like a patchwork quilt, with each patch being sewn into the entire covering.

But at the same time, we are independent agents, entrepreneurs and business owners. And there are things we can do independently to help ourselves *and* the entire network along with us.

Now is a great time to be looking at our presentation. How’s that tag line working? How impactful have your commercials been? 30 seconds goes pretty fast. Are you going for content heavy, or for making a lasting impression? When was the last time you gave a five minute presentation? And we now have new opportunities in break out rooms – people are showing up from all over the world. And this goes for our guests as well. How prepared and comfortable are you when asked the very simple question, “So, what do you do?”

By making sure we are clear in our independent presentation, we not only support ourselves, but the power of the entire network – both inside each meeting, and inside the minds of our members and guests. That way when connection opportunities cross our radars, we can clearly remember you and share a bit about why that potential customer or client would benefit from meeting and possibly working with you.

We each get to take on the work of clarifying and presenting our message, so that together, as a team, we can all grow.

Here’s to being a winning team of independent business professionals.

To creating opportunities, referrals, and closed business.

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