Good morning Elevate! It’s great to see all of you. And it’s particularly special to welcome back so many of our Alumni. And a big thank you to Amy – I saw the outreach on Facebook. You’re unstoppable. I know I speak for everyone when I say we’re grateful. Thanks for always putting your heart and creativity into these meetings.
Speaking of thank you’s, and being grateful, the Thanksgiving holiday is just about a week away. So I thought today would be the perfect time to speak about giving thanks and gratitude. And it’s value in our lives, our relationships, and of course, our businesses.
I want to remind all of us that while it is easy to be thankful on any given day – especially when our tables are covered in turkey, cranberry and stuffing – gratitude really comes down to a choice. And that choice has to be made constantly. We all have our proverbial glasses. And they all contain both water and air. The question of half full or half empty is completely up to us, and how we decide to view them. Do we choose to focus on the air – what we want and don’t have, what our neighbor has and we feel incomplete without? Or do we appreciate the water – the gifts life has given us, the people, the love, our health?
Just like no two objects can occupy the same physical space at any given time, the same is true with our emotional energies. We can either feel happy, positive and grateful, OR sad, negative and lacking. In any given moment, it’s going to be one or the other. Show me a person feeling gratitude and I will show you a happy, satisfied person.
Regarding our businesses, choosing to be grateful will set you up for success. Think about how you’ll show up to the relationships and meetings with your clients and potential clients if you’re whole, complete, happy and positively charged. The same is true for interactions with colleagues, bosses, partners, employees and vendors.
This is particularly important for those in service based businesses. Being grateful can support your well being, your state of mind, and your ability to show up to make a positive difference for the people around you.
The other important element of “giving thanks” is the first word. It is not referred to as “taking thanks.” Gratitude is a state of appreciation for what we already have. When we’re present to the value in our lives, and perceive that we’re surrounded by abundance, or at least all that we need, the positive feelings which follow often lead to a willingness – and a desire – to share and give.
Consider how much easier it is to practice “giver’s gain” when your experience is that of a full cup.
So let’s choose to focus on “the water” – what we have, what we’ve created, where we’re headed, and all that’s to come.