NYC Elevate is a networking community organized to help our members make more money through structured collaboration and referrals.
And we want to know how to most effectively use Elevate to get those referrals, so today, I’m going to talk about nails.
Have you ever used a power saw to hammer nails in?
If you have, make sure you don’t ask Eddie or Joe, our residential and commercial general contractors, for a job, because you probably won’t get hired.
Otherwise, get ready to learn how you can make more money by using Elevate’s power tools correctly.
Last year, I moved into my new office.
During the process of setting up the new office, I got to watch Matt Long’s master woodworkers use power tools to fabricate our new custom desks, and that got me to thinking that when you use power tools correctly you can build amazing things, and maybe even get more referrals in a shorter amount of time.
But if you use those power tools incorrectly, like using a power saw to hammer nails, you’ll end up wasting a lot of time.
So what does that have to do with Elevate?
Elevate is a power tool for building relationships and getting referrals, but you have to use the tool correctly to get the desired results.
For example, last week I was talking to one of our members who said he wished he received more referrals to people who are selling their businesses.
I asked if he considered forming a special power team with Carey Davis, our business broker, and Charles Rosenbaum, our life insurance guru, because those gentlemen help their business owners with exit strategies, and that the three of them could offer each other a ton of referral gold.
In summary, I told him that maybe he should only be asking to meet business brokers in his commercial each and every week, and that if he added just one broker per quarter to his roster, in a few short years the revenue from the referrals those people would make would exceed a million dollars per year due to multiple brokers referring him multiple times every year.
So, if you’re not getting the level of business you desire out of Elevate, start using our power tools more effectively and I guarantee that you’ll make more money.