
Make More Money Setting Goals for Your Gold Mine 2024

NYC Elevate is a networking community organized to help our members make more money through structured collaboration and referrals.

In recent years, we found out that we were sitting on a gold mine here at Elevate, but the interesting thing is that modern gold mining requires sifting 2000 pounds of dirt to get a few grams of gold, but if you did that hour after hour; day after day; you could make millions.

However, the most important thing to understand about gold mining is that you can’t just stare at the dirt and hope gold ends up in your pocket.

So what’s the first step for running our profitable gold mine here at Elevate in 2024?

We should think about a proper return on investment and setting our goals appropriately.

Next, we have to factor how much time we will have to invest.

  • In my case, as a hyperactive Elevator, I invest about 6 hour per week by:
  • Preparing a good commercial for this meeting
  • Attending this meeting every week
  • Picking out 3 guests to network with each week
  • Having 6 – 121s per month
  • Leading our monthly PHD meeting
  • Going to 2 power team meetings each month
  • Implementing 1 advanced make more money tactic per week

Notice my goal setting for Elevate does not include a dollar amount. That’s out of my control.

Repeating that, I said that my goal setting for Elevate does not include a dollar amount because that’s out of my control.

However, what’s in my control is how active I can be in doing these things, and how well prepared I am when participating.

So your action item for this week is to set your goals for 2023 in each of these areas, and then execute day after day, hour after hour so you can process that 2000 pounds of proverbial dirt.

If you do that, I guarantee that you’ll get more referrals; get more gold and…and make more money.

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